LANMAR has optimisation at its core. The desire and ability to rapidly understand a business and its goals, then map processes, measure performance and build Continuous Improvement Projects around reaching targets is second to none. Whether your goal is to optimise a current business line or project, grow the organisation or win new contract, LANMAR will help get you there.
With extensive experience in optimising extremely high up-time assets such as aircraft, oil rigs and trains as well as the largest and most complex warships in the RAN fleet where maintaining capability is vital to meetings the governments needs, LANMAR has the knowledge, skill and experience to support, lead and deliver tangible improvements in through life cost reductions, increased reliability and up-time as well as ensuring compliance to regulatory frameworks such as airworthiness, seaworthiness and safety cases.
With more data available and being collected than ever before, now is the time to leverage that data into simple, accessible and in context decision support. Whether you are seeking a competitive edge, efficiency gains with existing assets or connecting datasets to assurance frameworks or contract KPI’s, we will work with you to understand how to leverage your data.
Defence projects require a detailed understanding of ASDEFCON Contracts including how to take existing Business Management Systems and develop Data Item Descriptions (DID) responses in accordance with the Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL), Defence regulatory frameworks (e.g. Airworthiness, Seaworthiness) as well as the stakeholder environment. LANMAR has a strong desire to support the Australian Industry Capability and often the knowledge of how to deliver projects to the Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group (CASG) is the only barrier to entry and we want to remove that for you. Weather it be advising, supporting or delivering a project for you, we provide a dedicated, ethical and reliable team and culture.
From leading the design and build of complex ships, managing major engineering changes on warships to leading the engineering department at Australia largest airline LANMAR has the experience to help. We provide a range of engineering services from surveys and configuration audits to the review and development of engineering management systems to EIA 632 and ISO 15288.
The regulatory and assurance framework in Defence and CASG is significantly different to the commercial environment and has also undergone significant change in recent times. LANMAR understands this is a challenge to defence and industry alike. LANMAR has the ability to assist your portfolio, business or project by ensuring the compliance obligations are achieved with maximum transparency and minimum additional effort.